4 of a kind! Minnesota couple welcome rare identical quadruplet girls

A couple in Minnesota welcomed rare identical quadruplet girls delivered by caesarian birth on March 11, 2020.

This one-in-15-million case is a very special gift for the quadruplets’ parents, Taylor Becher and Lance Thompson from Albertville, Minnesota.

During Becher’s eight-week ultrasound appointment, the couple found out that they were going to have quadruplets.

At first, the doctor thought they were expecting twins until she learned there were actually four babies inside Becher’s tummy.

Delivered by caesarian birth.

Though she is already a mother of a 21-month-old boy, the idea of having four babies inside her still frightened Becher. She was also aware that giving birth to multiple babies at once was very risky.

Becher was so stressed out at first but her boyfriend Lance was there for her throughout her pregnancy until she gave birth. He would keep her calm by saying everything was going to be okay.

“There were times when I would Google and stress myself out, but Lance would talk me down,” she said.

Bechers’s source of stress is common and understandable. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, complications increase in multiple pregnancies with each additional fetus.

Some of these complications include preterm birth, placental problems, preeclampsia, diabetes, and fetal and newborn complications.

Car seats for the Thompsons who were delivered by caesarian birth.

While carrying 4 babies in her womb is scary and stressful, Becher surpassed all the challenges by being positive and extra careful. She also enjoyed buying baby stuff such as car seats, cots, and newborn clothes.

Finally, on March 11, their four little bundles of joy came out by caesarian birth. The parents were so amazed but what surprised them the most was that their four baby girls are identical.

Lakely, Sawyer, Kennedy, and Aurora were all delivered safely and none of them has any complications.

The couple was so happy and relieved now that they have their quadruplets who are all healthy and adorable.

Weighing 2 pounds and 3 ounces, Lakely was the smallest among the quadruplets while Sawyer was the biggest at 3 pounds and 3 ounces.

Becher said that Lakely didn’t grow as quickly as her other sisters when she was pregnant but she was the only one who did not need breathing assistance. Luckily, all four babies are now breathing perfectly on their own.

The couple can’t wait to bring their babies home where their older brother is waiting to meet them.

They will be discharged from the hospital next month as they need to stay longer due to the coronavirus. Their son couldn’t visit the babies as well because of the same reason.

Becher remembered her son kissing her belly when she was pregnant. “Before the babies were born, I’d say, ‘Do you want to give your sister a kiss?’ And he’d kiss my belly!” She exclaimed. This made her even more excited to see all her kids together.

It’s so amazing to see such a once-in-a-blue-moon story of life and love. We hope that these sweet little angels will grow healthy and shower their parents with so much love and respect.

Photo Update | 04/01/23 :

The quadruplet's latest photo.

You can follow these adorable quadruplets Bloom on their Facebook page.

Watch this video as the Minnesota couple Taylor Becher and Lance Thompson celebrate the lives of their identical quadruplets: