Man build fabulous studio apartment in old work truck to avoid high mortgage payments

Are you really free if you can’t even bring your house with you?

As real estate prices catapult to new heights, we should start becoming much more creative with how we live.

A man from Colorado made a drastic move of uprooting his home and putting it on the road – quite literally.

Jason spends his morning drinking coffee and looking at the vast wilderness in front of him.

If he wants to discover the nearby woods, he can unrack his bicycle and go on his merry way. He can spend the night at a nearby campsite or maybe relocate to a good river spot. It’s all up to him.

So how is this possible? Well, Jason just happens to live in a truck. And before you turn skeptic, you better check out what he has in his build.

Jason moved into his truck to trim down on living expenses.

He once lived in a big house with other roommates. But when the reality of graduate school expenses loomed over the horizon, Jason knew he needed to be creative.

He needed to be mobile and he needed rent that he can afford. So instead of renting a place in the city, he bought an old 2004 Ford E-350 box truck.

The plan is simple – to make a truck that looks like a typical delivery truck on the outside and make a cozy living space on the inside.ADVERTISEMENT

The truck has all of the things he needs for living and for school.

First, his truck is fully equipped to function off-grid. He has a 12-gallon fuel tank which he also uses as a heater.

For his electricity needs, he has solar panels installed. The power harnessed from the panels is stored in batteries, which run all of the electronics.

He also has two water tanks – one 44-gallon gray water tank and a 55-gallon fresh water tank. He can stay away from a water supply for around 10 to 14 days.

His truck door can also fold down into a patio.

He also has a small garage area where he keeps his tools and his bike which he uses to go to and from school.

If you think that truck living is difficult, Jason has built a mobile home that can cater to all his needs, and he has a fully equipped kitchen where he prepares his meals. Over the driving cabin is a cargo outcrop where he installed a full-sized bed. To save space on stairs, he used wall climbing knobs which fit the aesthetic perfectly.

He also has a couch area so he can receive friends. Beside the couch is his work desk. On top of all those amenities, Jason also has a composting toilet and a working shower. Talk about living in comfort!

Jason shared that this is one of the best decisions he’s ever made.

Having a stealth camper meant he can have tons of flexibility. He can work anywhere he could drive to while also enjoying what the great outdoors has to offer.

“I learned that you have to figure out what your needs are and stay focused on that,” he said in the video, “and then design your build around that. That’s the advantage of this lifestyle.”

Watch Jason’s amazing truck build in the video below.