Two Men Try To Abduct Little Girl On Playground, 1 Blonde Woman Stood In Their Way.

Ginger Taylor, a kindergarten teacher at Westside Elementary School, saw two males stroll onto the playground full of children around 2:15 p.m. on a Friday. When Taylor tracked them down in a run, one of the males snatched a 5-year-old kid and tried to flee with her. She had no idea what she was getting herself into, which would eventually earn her a standing ovation from the whole town.

The teacher approached the men and attempted to prevent them from removing the girl. The males shoved her down and were able to take off after placing the youngster in a vehicle. Taylor, on the other hand, was able to obtain the license plate information and automobile description of the culprits, and she notified the school resource officer. A mom’s biggest dread was where that chase would lead them.

The data about the car was swiftly reported to authorities, and a “be on the lookout” notice was sent to the Sheriff’s Office and area law enforcement. The daring kidnappers were on their way to another place, where something considerably more evil awaited them. Cops apprehended the suspects 10 minutes after receiving the first report, just as the guys boarded a jet at Valdosta Regional Airport bound for Mississippi.

The two guys, identified as Michael McCormick, 33, and Scott Stapp, 36, were captured right away. McCormick is alleged to be the girl’s noncustodial father, and Stapp is a buddy of the kidnapping mastermind. Taylor has already garnered acclaim for her bravery and fast thinking when the young child was restored to her mom.

During a board of education meeting, the Lowndes County Board of Education recognized Ginger Taylor. Taylor received a lengthy standing ovation from everybody in the room, congratulating her for preventing a child kidnapping. However, she said that she did not deserve any recognition and that all honor should be given to God.

She is honored to be acknowledged, but she’d like to give the praise to God, Taylor told an overflowing audience, with barely a dry eye in the room. He was there for her, protecting her, the child, every instructor on the playground, all her coworkers, and the kid would not be here if He hadn’t been there.

They’ve established a plan in the event that anything like this occurs, said Lowndes County Sheriff Chris Prine. He definitely didn’t anticipate it to occur as quickly as it did. But he couldn’t have asked for a finer witness than Ms. Taylor. She relayed the information to their SRO, who contacted 911, and they escorted everyone out of the sheriff’s office. Everyone stopped what they were doing and concentrated on the school and the surrounding area, he continued.

She provided them with the description of the automobile, they recognized what the driver looked like, they recognized the tag number, and having all that data is quite unique, Sheriff Prine stated. They got him cuffed and the kid in custody within 15 minutes.

Michael Ray McCormick was arrested and charged with abduction, simple violence on a school administrator, and school disturbance. Scott Stapp was an accomplice in the crime and was charged for his involvement.

Ginger Taylor is a valuable addition to the public school system and a joy to every student and teacher on that campus. With her actions that day, this kindergarten teacher taught the country a lesson, and her answer was well-deservedly praised. God was permitted on that school that day as He was with Taylor and those kids, and as a result, all are safe. It wasn’t a coincidence that she was in the right location at the right moment.