Granny Walks By Rock Band And Suddenly Breaks Into Moves That Steal The Show

With her comfortable-looking, extra supportive therapeutic shoes and her practical coat, a grandma cruising by a live band performance in Paisley, Scotland, shocked everyone standing there.

A good-sized crowd had gathered around the cover band as they performed their head-banging rendition of AC/DC’s hit classic song “Highway to Hell.”

As this grandma strolled by pushing her walker while clutching bags, the band caught her attention.

She paused to listen, but apparently the music called to her. Despite her wispy white hair belying her age, this grandma ignored the fact that, well, she’s a grandma and busted a move!

The band called Badboys got a total kick out of this groovin’ grandma and even shared footage of her boogieing on their Facebook page. Even the crowd loved her dance moves and cheered her on.