A 96-year-old woman conquered all the guests at the wedding with her dance, it was also appreciated on the Internet

The Sarasota resident loved to dance since childhood.


From the age of 8, she attended a dance studio, and in her youth even opened her own school in New York.

Now the old woman is 96 years old, in the past she underwent two heart surgeries and now wears a pacemaker.

However, doctors say that in general Shirley is in good shape, and dancing has played an important role here.

After all, the woman still teaches in several city clubs.

And the opportunity to do what she loves raises her morale and does not let her soul grow old.

When Shirley Goodman came to her young relative’s wedding, she was glad that there was an opportunity to indulge in her favorite activity at the celebration.

Coming out on the dance floor, Shirley surprised the guests with her rousing dance.

Undoubtedly, many of the young people envied her.

Many people do not have such grace and rhythm even in their youth.

The energy radiated by this woman is simply amazing.

She has 10 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren who are proud of their wonderful grandmother.

Her incredible movements amazed many, and the video posted online instantly became popular.

After such success on the Internet, the grandchildren decided to create their own Instagram channel for Shirley to share other interesting videos with users.

During the month of use, the resource gained 10,000 subscribers.

Charming granny is not going to stop dancing.

She says her legs will stop at the same moment as her heart.

Without a doubt, dancing for Shirley has become the secret of her health and longevity.

Or maybe it’s something else?