28 of September, 2021, beloved and legendary actress Brigitte Bardot already turned 87. Despite her age, the great artist still somehow looks stunning, energetic and elegant.
Until 15, Brigitte was shy as the girl didn’t really think she was actually beautiful and feminine enough. But due to ballet, Bardot managed to gain self-confidence, elegance and freedom. After she had been invited to a photo session for one famous magazine, she immediately gained world fame and popularity.
In 1953, her career in the film industry successfully began. The girl was constantly invited to various photo sessions stealing millions of hearts due to her heavily beauty and femininity.
Brigitte has starred in about 50 films which is unbelievable. The celebrity has been married several times and had her only child Nicolas.
In 1973, at the age of 39, the actress officially announced that she was going to give up her career in film industry as the woman was literally fed up with her popularity, the fact that she couldn’t have a private life and her name was constantly the center of attention.
After giving up her career as an actress, Brigitte became an active animal protector. A number of dogs and cats owe their lives to the bighearted artist.
In 1986 she sold her properties in order to organize a charity fond which should protect defenseless animals. It still works under the name of the actress.
Currently, Bardot continues taking good care of our smaller brothers and promotes all her ideas to the masses. At the age of 87, the legendary actress looks stunning, elegant and quite active.