Mom’s genius shopping cart hack will save your aching back

Parenting is tough, but with the help of family, friends, and a couple parenting hacks it’s not so bad.

Recently, Laura Castrillo, a mom living in Houston, Texas, shared a trick that might take some of the strain off grocery shopping with your little ones.

In a now-viral Facebook post, Castrillo shared a shopping cart hack that had many wondering why they didn’t think of it years earlier.

The mother of three shared with CafeMom that one day her mother complained that her back hurt. She found it difficult constantly having to lift her grandchild into and out of a shopping cart. Wanting to make her mother’s life a little easier she shared a shopping cart hack that she learned from her stepmother.

Instead of lifting your child into the cart, simply lift the back panel and allow them to climb inside.

“My stepbrother, whom I help take care of when my parents are working, has some disabilities, and my stepmom discovered this easy way of getting him into the shopping cart when he was younger,” she told Babble.

Castrillo said she’s been using the hack for about two years with her children and it’s made her life “a lot easier.”

“My youngest has always been a husky guy, and I’m not very tall, so lifting his solid body high enough to get him into the seat portion of the cart is uncomfortable at best.”

Since sharing the video in September 2018, the video has racked up 4.7 million views and has received thousands of comments.

One particular comment struck a chord with Castrillo. One woman shared that she hadn’t been taking her daughter grocery shopping because she can’t lift her into the cart, but now thanks to Castrillo’s hack she will be able to.

Were you aware of this shopping cart hack? Share it with your friends and family, you just might save someone’s back!