Funny performance of four-year-old boys to Elvis Presley’s Jailhouse Rock

Cute four-year-old boys’ funny performance to Elvis Presley’s Jailhouse Rock musical has got over 1.7 million views and thousands of comments.

Five boys are dressed in flowy ‘jail suits’, dancing to the King of Rock and Roll’s renowned tune. The audience bursts in laughter, when the boys make their first move.

Another youngster dressed in a police uniform jumps on stage after they had captivated his audience with their body wiggles to get the group in order. With their hands behind their backs, they all follow suit.

This scene elicits a raucous response from the audience. With his hands on his head, the little police officer sprints across the stage. The naked boys dance with their backs to the audience, oblivious to the young cop’s annoyance.

As the music progresses, the six join in a dance, and the audience claps to the beat of ‘Jailhouse Rock.’ They make up for their lack of synchronization with adorableness.

Their chaotic dance has the boys tumbling and rolling on the floor to the tune of the song. The two-minute performance ends with the boys shuffling out of the stage in a single file line.