Yesterday my daughter-in-law was going to our friend’s wedding dressed like this, I told her to change her dress, she answered me this, I was shocked and told her to pack her bags and leave. If you were in my shoes, you would have done the same thing

Yesterdey my daughter in law was preparing for an event. I knew what kind of event they were going to attend that day. When I saw the dress she was wearing, it started to have a headache.

I said, ”Girl, what’s wrong with you, you’re not a disgrace, you’re going to a wedding, what will they think about you?”

She said, ”Don’t tell me what’s fashionable and how to get dressed, I will decide what to wear. And I don’t care about public opinion”.

I was embarrassed and shocked. I didn’t know what to say her. I told her to pack her bags and leave our house.