Susan Boyle has decided to lose weight and her story is amazing

Almost ten years ago, Susan Boyle took part in “Britain’s Got Talent” where no one thought she would impress the judges or anyone else.

The song she chose to sing was “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Misérables. Everyone was totally amazed by the sound of her powerful voice.

Susan proved to people that regardless of your social status or image you should pursue your dreams.

Following the contest Susan sold over 19 million copies of her album “I Dreamed a Dream”.

Susan spoke about how she was always laughed and mocked by other kids ever since she was a youngster.

Susan hopes her story will inspire others. Recently Susan discovered something about her health.

Doctors informed her that she has type two diabetes which could affect her music career. She was advised her to lose weight in order to remain healthy as possible.

This prompted Susan to change her lifestyle especially that she wan’t to continue playing live in front of people.

She has loved sweets and cakes ever since she was a child but decided to cut out sugar and was determined to give it up.

Susan managed to lose over twelve kilograms which has improved her overall health and figure. She feels satisfied with herself and is a much healthier version of herself.

Susan is grateful to the people who helped her on this path to achieve a healthier life.

She also participated in the show “America’s Got Talent: The Champions.” People were very happy to see Susan on stage again and see how much she managed to change and evolve.

She managed to get a golden buzzer on “America’s Got Talent: The Champions.”

Susan encourages other people to start their own journey and fulfill their dreams in losing weight or changing careers regardless of age.

Susan Boyle is an inspiration to help motivate other people. Remember everything is possible if you are ambitious and dedicated. Have faith in yourself.