Lois Hicks, an 88-year-old woman, died in her hometown of Odessa in April 2006. Family members gathered for a reunion near a nearby funeral home the next day. Everything was fine until the Lewis family left the room.
An unrelated woman found herself in the funeral toilet at 5:30 p.m. The unknown thief leaned over the coffin and removed Louis’ diamond ring from his finger. The thief escaped after the act.
Fortunately, the security camera detected the accident. When Louis’s daughter Phil walked 15 minutes later to apply makeup to her late mother, she discovered the ring was missing. Despite the camera that filmed the incident, the police could not identify the thief. A few days later, the authorities were able to find the 41-year-old woman and privileged the charges of theft from a human corpse.
Unbeknownst to the thief, she had stolen a fake $ 10 diamond ring. I’m sure the thief hasn’t recovered from the embarrassment she caused herself.
Lewis really had to be a wonderful, humorous woman to be able to prank people – even after her death.