Woman slaps a police horse and quickly gets a dose of karma

An unknown young woman from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario discovered why it’s a poor idea to insult police enforcement, especially when that “cop” has hooves and a wicked kick. There’s little question she chose her act to garner attention, and she’s getting it, but not in the way she had planned.

To the delight of her pals, the want to be tough student ran towards the police horse while cameras were filming. Their giggles would swiftly turn to gasps when her hand made contact with the horse’s hindquarters as she whacked it. She turned to flee, but she didn’t go very far.

The aforementioned occurrence was one of several horse-slapping incidents in the region. “Disappointing news from #QueensHomecoming. Our new horse, Murney, was slapped 3X tonight. No injuries. 2 men & 1 woman charged criminally,” the Kingston Police Department said on Twitter.

The unknown university student was seen on tape in broad daylight running towards two mounted cops in the middle of the road. The anonymous blonde female in the now-viral video smacks the nearest horse in the rump while wearing a dark Queen’s polo shirt with the trademark red and yellow stripes. But she wasn’t anticipating what occurred next.

She turns her back to flee away a single second after making contact with the horse, but she is too slow. The woman has her due punishment when the police horse kicks her in the buttocks with its muscular hind legs. As bystanders gasp, she is thrown face first onto the road. A friend comes to her aid, but it’s too late.

The lady appears to be humiliated because her objectives were to disgrace the officer and the horse, and she lifts herself up off the ground before staggering out of sight. With her hands firmly clamped to her face, it appears the incident left its imprint, but determining the degree of any physical damage is too hard. Her ego, on the other hand, is very certainly irreversibly harmed.

The cop riding the gorgeous monster said that the woman’s dose of karma was actually pretty low compared to what it could have been. The horse, Murney, “maintained her control” despite being taken aback by slaps and still in training, based on the officer. Murney’s reaction to being smacked by someone who appeared out of nowhere was unusually quiet since she didn’t buck or flee. However, the pupil was not unharmed. Not only is she now well-known on the internet, but she may possibly be in legal danger.

Police have not confirmed if the young woman in the video is one of three persons accused in connection with various horse-slapping incidents at Queen’s University’s homecoming in Kingston, Ontario. However, a female Queen’s student is being prosecuted, as are two guys who allegedly smacked a police horse, Vice said. They face criminal charges for hurting a law enforcement animal, which is a new addition to the Criminal Code. Their identities have not yet been revealed. If proven guilty, the maximum penalty under the legislation is five years in jail.

Furthermore, the three accused could have faced individual financial fines of up to $10,000 apiece, because they were charged with Animal Injury. However, they may have gotten off lightly.

”What will happen with all three accused, in this case the two men and the 18-year-old female, is that charge will be withdrawn, and we will be going with the charges of mischief and obstructing police by interfering with a lawful execution of their duty,” Steve Koopman, a Kingston Police Department constable, later said. But it doesn’t mean they got away with nothing.

Although the initial charges were dismissed and new ones were filed, Koopman warned that the three accused may still face jail time, fines, and even probation. There is a possibility that they may be found guilty and will have a criminal record, Koopman added.

Occasionally we receive precisely what we want, but not in the way we expected. No doubt, this undergraduate student aspired to establish a name for herself. She felt she’d be cool if she was recognized as the daring babe who fired at a police officer’s horse. Rather, she is the coward who preyed on an innocent animal and suffered humiliation.