I bought a gift card for my husband and every day money was disappearing from it. In the end I found out something that I was in shock, look what I did

I couldn’t decide what gift to give for my husband’s birthday, I decided to use an easy option. I decided to bought a gift card with my name on it and gave it to him. There was quite a lot of money in the card.

During that period, my husband didn’t work and covered his daily expenses with the money from that card. Then after a few months I started to notice that the card was running out of money very often. Since the card was with my name, I was getting emails telling me how much money was out of the card.

I began to be more carefull and saw that all purchases were made at women’s clothing or lingerie stores.

I was so happy, I thought that my husband was preparing for my birthday and was buying gifts for me. Although it was my money, I was flattered by the attitude.

Then my birthday came. I was waiting for gifts from my husband. But I was shocked and surprised. He came with empty hands. You can’t imagine how disappointed I was.

Couple days after I asked my husband for the card and found out that card isn’t at him. It turned out that he had a mistress and gave her the card and that was she who was spending my money. The day I found out, I came home, packed my luggage and left our house.